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Spinach Topped Spinach Oven Dinner Recipe


3 cases of Granny Smith frozen chopped spinach, thawed

1 small onion, cut into thick strips

1 cup diced celery

1 medium head iceberg lettuce, rinsed and chopped

1 medium head iceberg lettuce, shredded - leaves are best

1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened

2 teaspoons garlic powder

1 teaspoon dried thyme or dried thyme (optional)

1/2 clove garlic, minced

1 (8 ounce) can cherry tomatoes, chopped

15 whole cloves garlic, minced


In a large mouthful of microwave-safe plastic wrap, combine stir together spinach, onion, celery and chopped spinach. Secure plastic with a fork and microwave for 20 minutes, or until spinach is wilted. Remove plastic wrapping and microwave 15 minutes more.

Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan heat butter under medium heat. Stir in garlic powder, thyme and garlic powder until well blended. Stir in tomatoes and turn to coat. Remove from heat and let cool.

Add pasta and stir well. Spoon spinach mixture over pasta - if desired.