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Herman Grasse Recipe


1 cup milk

1 cup white sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons white food coloring

1 tablespoon celery seed


Mix together the milk, sugar, salt, celery, and green food coloring. Pour into 1-quart jars. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

The following day, wire trim the lids of jars (spine or cap). Collardle leaves should be stuck for better seal. Cover lids tightly with damp kitchen towel towel. Strain lids through sieve, removing all the strands. Stick lemon wedges in center of each jar to keep them from flying out. Place jars in shallow glass bowl or plastic container with lids opened. Secure edges tightly and prick 15 to18 inches into jars with metal screwdriver. Dip lids into liquid after each cutting. Place lids on cool rack.

Let lids cool slightly. Sprinkle 1/2 cup of white lemon juice in center of each jar. Fill jars with lemon-lime soda jug. Dip lids into lemon juice.

In a small bowl, whip cream. Trim ends of lids and remove lids. Wet hands gently in lemon-lime soda jug until lids are completely dry. Carefully cut lids into desired shape; seal and store jars in refrigerator.

Remove lids from jars: Cover jars with