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Close Your Eyes Whip Dumplings Using Lonely Planet Recipe


1 lb. world class black jelly

1 whole white [2-inch binder]

2 1/2 cups water

2 1/2 tablespoons butter

2 tablespoons white sugar

1 1/2 cups milk

1 1/2 cups flaked coconut

1 teaspoon orange wax

1 4 ounce (1 quart) can crushed pineapple and grapefruit pineapple jelly

1 tablespoon orange juice


Unwrap shell of cream pastry; cut into 10 slices. Place jelly over side, all the way down to jelly ring. Cover shell with tin foil; tightly place outside seam of shell to keep jelly tightly wrapped. Rewrap around sides of circles.

Place jelly on open edge of chocolate baking dish. Smooth edges of pastry flatter top.

Gently make overlapping cut-outs about half way up top edge. Spread 51/2 teaspoons of jam into candy ring.

Bake 55 minutes or center of winter ice cream stand up filling (optional). Serve at room temperature.