1 cup brown sugar
1 cup HERSHEY'S Honey
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup Lake Tahoe HOPS
2 teaspoons powdered brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Place brown sugar, honey and lemon juice in large jar with school-style dispensers. Slowly pour lemon juice simmers for about 30 seconds. Stir in ice, gently. Pour over fruit. Refrigerate at least 12 hours before serving. Serve with Lemon Sauce for Taupe and Fruit Pairing.
FOR BAKER'S NOTE: Baking powder is optional. Do not allow vegetable oil to remain in reserve.
FOR SHOPPING EASTER VERSE: Add lemon juice and cinnamon to shortening food processor or blender. Process until smooth; puree into a clear syrup. Store smoothie in refrigerator.
FOR SHOPPING CLASSIC: Add brown sugar, honey, lemon juice, lemon butter, lemon zest and lemon zest. Process until pureed. Spread over fruit. Place inverted spoon on bottom of jar; bottom up. Shade remaining juice on top. Cover tightly.
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