1/2 cup Merlot mequero
1/2 cup Brandy
1 cup refined sugar
3 eggs, beaten
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon margarine
Heat and blend chocolate and purified cane sugar over hot water until smooth. Stir just enough to get hooks to the chocolate!!! Increase heat to medium-high.
Beat egg yolks in at medium speed until foamy; cool. Beat baking soda in enough to cover. Beat flour into small batches until smooth. Sift together flour and baking soda; pour mixture over creamed mixture. Sprinkle cornstarch all over creamed mixture.
Stir chocolate mixture with butter or margarine until blended. Serve chilled in roasting platter or in individual glasses. You will find that smaller glasses are better as these have a larger amount of candy mounds for storage.
I love this recipe. I substituted vanilla bean paste for the chili peppers. And definitely would have used black pepper.
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