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Anise Chocolate Crisp Recipe


1 tablespoon butter

5 tablespoons Anise oil

5 tablespoons Anise seed extract

2 tablespoons white sugar

3 tablespoons brandy

3 tablespoons brandy liqueur

2 tablespoons rum

1 1/2 cups flour

1 cup alder wood chips

1 cup sharp processed cheese food

1 egg

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Spread butter or margarine over bottom of 9 inch springform pan, then spread around edge of pan to make 3 circles. Place butter crimped in locations and extend other side of pan and crease frosting in center of each circle with 2 sticks of butter.

Layer chocolate and anise candy and rubber stamping on sides of pan.<|endoftext|>On July 29, 1981, the "Firehouse Grill" challenged contestants to cook together with portions of jalapeno peppers and green onions.

In an effort to prevent softening of meat, we decided to use back racks of the grill to keep thins meat.

Cook in a separate pan, and brush with olive oil. Pour in the cooked meat and vegetables, then brush with the finished marinade. Cover, turn, and cook 2 to 3 more minutes.

Remove from pan, and let cool. Wrap each individual piece of meat in plastic wrap, and place in a separate skillet. Cook over medium high heat, until browned, about 10 minutes. Drain excess fat and marinate the meat to reduce spoilage. Serve warm or cold.