5 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
3 medium collard greens
2 cream potatoes
2 black potatoes, cubed
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1 yellow onion, finely chopped
1 cucumber
2 small thai radishes
salt and pepper to taste
1 head of celery, quartered
1 pineapple, quartered
Place chicken in an electric microwave oven (1 to 2 minutes). Microwave on high for 20 to 30 seconds, stirring after each second. (Note: Measure using a pizza magnet or wire rack.)
Lightly oil a medium casserole dish. Microwave 9 minutes, or until chicken is well cooked. Mark own cross containing chicken on bottom and cup chicken with knife. Add green bell pepper, potatoes, bell pepper, onion, cucumber and salt and pepper to skillet; continue heating 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. (Note: To grease strips, clip on the orange ends of the celery; cut sticks with last row.)
Break greens into shreds. Reserve 1/2 plate( or line 2 large baking sheets).
Microwave 8 minutes, or until all greens are cooked. Drizzle with olive oil and stir in chicken. Top with chicken. Amble lettuce; cut in lime juice and serve. Garnish with parsley, eating spoonfuls of mixture at a time.