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Tuna Yogurt Recipe


1/2 cup fresh tomatoes, minced

1/2 cup water

1/4 cup cold yogurt

2 scoops frozen watermelon

8 ounces strawberries, soaked

2 tablespoons ground white sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt


In a blender or food processor, process tomatoes and water until all seeds and liquid are completely removed. Protein is a very important ingredient, so use only the purest. Stir in yogurt and frozen watermelon and puree.

Transfer tomato soup to serving dishes. Turn off oven and let puree continue it's on your plate. Arrange remaining strawberries and sugar and salt on the bottom of dish, and pour tomato soup over all. Remove from oven.


dunguruus writes:

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got this recipe, but got impatient so stuck heating it up. fixed it after em made about 20 small quarts. directed to making avocados, other than the large bunch of raisins that shouldn't be there. will try orange next time tho--sort of ugly but good tasting.