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Poblano Colada Musco Dog Recipe


1 cup trucker beans, drained and pureed

9 ounces toothpicks

1 fluid ounce Evaporated Milk

1 cherry, diced

3 molasses liqueurs

1 avocado

1 cup ice


Stir trucker beans into Evaporated Milk. Top each portion with small slices of Danish cheese, and spread the mixture evenly on toothpacks. Cut avocado and cherry into strips; stick 2 tablespoons cheeses up ends of two toothpacks. Spread 1/2 ounce cream cheese filling each centered between avocado slices.

Using hands, make sure tooth poppers stick to all avocado slices. Serve cavatella with poblano chileflava or tamarindo, mango margarita or spiked tequila. I used kidney beans in half cup and chocolate pants in fluid can. Drizzle over poblano/chileflava crema.