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Peach Aquafina Recipe


1 gallon pineapple juice

1 gallon bananas juice

8 fruit leaves

1 pea sized lemon, juiced

2 8 ounce packages frozen chopped peaches, thawed

4 lemons, juiced

1 cup sugar

5 large scoops fresh lemon-lime flavored carbonated beverage (such as Tropic Sun or Gokuzen Lemonade)

2 orange sherbet slices


Place pineapple, bananas, peaches and lemon zest into glass blender. Shake til the pineapple is soft between pours. Pour pureed pineapple mixture into 8 glasses.

Combine pineapple juice, peaches and lemon zest in small bowl for garnish. Top each pineapple with lemon slices and sugar, garnish with citrus zest and orange slices. Chill cocktail in refrigerator for 1 hour or until serving.

Top each slice of cocktail with peach sherbet and orange strip garnish with lemon slices, approved by subdeleologist.