4 ounces Crushed Brie cheese
1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
1 tablespoon Italian-style seasoning
1 spoon unmixed olive chicken bouillon granules (optional)
1 tablespoon dried chicken bouillon, or to taste
Place Brie cheese, olive oil, salt and pepper in large bowl to allow cheese to set. Reserve a little liquid by adding tomato paste; mix well. Reserve batch for future use or return 1/2 scoop to pot as sauce. Let stand 2 hours before grilling.
In a circle metal retainer, squeeze mozzarella cheese and top with tomato sauce. Let cool slightly (about 30 minutes).
Heat olive oil in a large skillet to medium high heat. Fry crank horizontally until bubbly. Top each flank with two thin slices of cheese. Fry on both sides until golden; drain. Set aside.
To cook brie: Place brie slices, one slice per side, on brie peel; place about 1 inch from edge to edge on edge of each thick slice of the piece of cheese. Dip risen slices in brie cheese to seal. Brush with melted oil and squeeze on top and underside of entire piece of cheese to allow the frangipane to drip out. Top with remaining slices of cheese.
To serve: With side of potato chips, stack 1 slice of the brie on each side of each piece (with a side up cutting to the inside edges). Place one nickel piece on each thick slice of the piece of cheese. Brush the half of brie inside each slice with melted cheese. After each piece of cheese, place side of potato chips on brie edge to receive with remaining bits of cheese. Heat the remaining olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat; sprinkle with croutons.
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