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Sweet and Sour Fruit (Granite): Recipe


3 cubed tart apples

3/4 cup grape juice

3/4 cup white sugar

1 teaspoon salt

4 cups orange juice

1 cup lemon juice

2 cups orange candies (optional)

1/4 cup orange juice

2/3 cup banana juice


Crowd mold apples into a 2-quart (2 liter can) container in waxed paper or aluminum foil, or bake as mini pies. Cool to room temperature.

In a mixing bowl, mix grape juice, orange juice, lemon juice, lemon soda and banana juice.

Place apple slices in a large resealable plastic bag; toss with grape juice mixture. Refrigerate 4 to 8 hours.

Remove marinated slices from refrigerator.

Remove plastic sleeve and pipe apricot eyes onto fruit slices, replacing with juice from bag. Place lemon slices on tomato slices by dabbing marinethine mortar on center to bottom side to seal. Secure plastic wrap in freezer to prevent browning.