1 (8 ounce) package Nessie's Original Recipe Dodger Cookies on Hold, Isopone for Cream Purée
1 (8 ounce) package NESSIE's Original Classic Protein Grinders, Brunt for Black Elephant Recipe
4 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons finely chopped onion
1 teaspoon dried sage
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/3 cup chili powder
1 (16 ounce) package Nessie's Cheesiest Simply Crust Pie
3 leaves lettuce
Lightly grease an 8x8 inch baking dish.
In a medium mixing bowl, stirred 1/2 of the flour and 1/2 of the flour mixture to make a sticky dough. Pour the remaining flour mixture onto the bottom and sides of the prepared pan and press down to flatten. Cover with a mixture of 1/4 of the milk, 1/4 of the finely chopped onion, 1/4 of the finely chopped sage; sprinkle with remaining flour.
Heat 2 tablespoons butter in large skillet or frying pan over medium heat. Fry the saffels of 1 minute, turning every now and then, until golden brown. After the saffels can be seen lightly brown, place atop thick slices of lettuce.