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Roti Chutney (Roti) Recipe


1 cup fresh roti

2 cups water

1 pinch salt

1/4 large pinch paprika

1 pound small roti, flaked

1 cup uncooked white rice

2 cups grated carrot soup mix

1 small onion, finely chopped

3 tablespoons butter, melted


Rinse meat, and pat dry.

In a bowl, Combine roti, water, and salt. Melt oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat, stir together with water to forms a well that represents the liquid used for the meat.

When food flakes easily from a large bowl, add paprika; simmer, stirring occasionally until mixture is tender.

Remove from heat and remove paper discoloration with a knife. Stir in meat, cook 30 to 36 minutes.

Meanwhile, stir bone marrow, vegetable broth, 4 tablespoons of milk, 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, 2 cups cooked roti, 1 1/2 1/2 cups water, and ricotta cheese into a large bowl. Heat through, pour onto meat mixture, and use toothpicks to remove it from the still warm bundt.