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1 cup white sugar

1 cup water

3 egg whites

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3 cups ripe strawberries, rinsed and dried

2/3 cup white sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla extract


Pour sugar, water, egg whites, and vanilla into a pitcher large enough to accommodate the filling. Stir until frothy, then pour into a tan or chocolate colored glass. Refrigerate until set.


Junu writes:

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Sinfully good and super easy. Cooling on the counter as I type and I had to taste test! I put toffee pieces only on half as many reviews said they tend to get soggy. This looks to be a great dessert for our New Years Day dinner. I love the cookie crust and did press it a bit up the sides.
Kurtluy JBu writes:

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It turned out zombie and messy. But then again, seeing as how I mostly used leftovers, maybe my slivers of white provolone slipped by and don't really count. Either of us is Grateful! :o)