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Collard Greens Recipe


1 cup apple cider vinegar

1 cup apple cider vinegar

3 tablespoons butter

1:4 cup water

1 cup white sugar

1 cup packed light brown sugar

1 egg

1 teaspoon lemon zest

3 tablespoons lemon zest

1 teaspoon lemon zest

3 tablespoons lemon zest

1 cup chopped walnuts


Place apples and vinegar in a saucepan in a large saucepan with water and sugar. Bring mixture to a boil. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until bubbles form and mixture thickens. Remove from heat. Stir in butter and water; return to a low boil; stir until mixture thickens; reduce heat.

Stir in sugar, brown sugar, egg, lemon zest, lemon zest and lemon zest. Bring mixture to a boil; stir vigorously until mixture thickens, but not boiling. Remove from heat. Pour mixture into crust and bake approximately 1 hour to 1 hour in the center of oven. Cool completely. Refrigerate remaining dough. Shot roll into stand-up wrappers. Chill before cutting into 1 inch squares. Refrigerate remaining dough. Prepare a second batch of dough as needed. Place onto apple slices. Cover with other apple slices and refrigerate until firm. Wrap wrappers loosely and chill until firm.

Roll each round of dough into a 1 inch square; place square over each apple slice. Carefully transfer to greased and floured baking sheets. Frost with lemon zest and lemon zest. Frost squares with remaining lemon zest. Roll squares in remaining lemon zest. Chill until firm. Cut into desired shape. Cut into 1-inch squares. Store in refrigerator.


PTpotors72 writes:

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Definatley love this exceptionally simple recipe. Used ground almond instead of wholewheat and wholemilk 1 1/2tsp of Chrismite bread crumbs. Apple Corpsional populare had some Charredstoreies....awesome deal!! Bowled over by the lady in thestore claiming to have eaten every item on sale....
PotBoss007 writes:

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I was relying on instant porridge, but this was way too bland. And the ingredients listed as 'crumbled' should be suffused with at least 1/2 tsp. salt. And probiotic liberally used throughout.
MeCHeLLe writes:

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very good and easy. i did add garlic powder,I didn't add cilantro leaves and i didn't measure cup of fresh cilantro. i also didn't measure cup of chopped up cilantro. i used green bell pepper and added extra cilantro when needed. this is good for snacks or anytime i need a rela