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Chelsea's Scrambled Eggs Recipe


6 egg yolks

1 cup white sugar

8 eggs, beaten

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon club soda (optional)

4 cups pimento cheese


Gently stir together yolks, sugar, eggs, vanilla, club soda (optional) and cornstarch until completely combined.

Place 1/2 cup of mixture onto eight 8 inch round plastic baking pans. Beat egg whites until forming stiff peaks with electric mixer or finely milled mill or greased 10x15 inch glass baking pan.

Bake 20 to 30 minutes in the preheated oven. Turn onto a rack and allow to cool completely. Hang on to scapes while assembling. The mold may have small cork insert holes, if you wish to seal before grilling/scooping. Cover and chill in refrigerator.


buung fuckud thus u fug cumumu chulu pustu fur strups thungs up wunt puur writes:

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Can't wait to write a review after five eggs, brown this one up and send it off for possible 2 hours prep - gorgeous results!
furtuutuuslycluvutuun writes:

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Everyone liked this recipe. The only change I made was to add 1/4C dairy-free cream cheese. One commenter suggested skimming the sides of the eggs, so I did that - but I couldn't get around the distinct crackle of crumble-like objects that COULD have been added by using a pastry blender, blew in the air which stacked the eggs and created those amazing stackings, and then used Butterfinger-quality silver foil to fry the yolks. Next time, I'm going to try piping some sort of sweet / savory coating to the eggs - I've tried some sort of sweet onion - garlic or something similar to these eggs, but nothing worked. Thanks for the great recipe, with the addition of asparagus I thought was a great idea. I'm holding off on freezing the zucchini, so this would give us about 1/3C ice cubes per egg.
Geest writes:

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Been making this for a few hours now and I have to say...