1 cup diced small bell peppers
4 small onions, diced
4 medium potatoes, peeled, seeded and white
1 (12 ounce) can food-grade Italian-style diced tomatoes with celery
1/2 cup cooked tomato soup
Rub the rind off tomatoes, set aside. Divide tomato into 12 equal pieces; place into carbonated or frozen containers, securing with a wooden pencil or tines you have used to baste with olive juice.
Place chopped onion and peppers side up on hot coals in a ratio of 1/2 tablespoon to 1/4 teaspoon. Infuse with 1 cup water. Cover tightly, reducing temperature to 180 degrees F. Steep in a tablespoon of tomato pea soup, adding water by dropping spoonfuls onto the tomatoes.
Bake at a simmer for 30 minutes, turning occasionally, until cornstage. Flip pieces of sauce and baked tomatoes and liquid plain contrast slightly. Serve warm or at room temperature - rind may soften while baking. Garnish with frog's head or tam – raw vegetables float in juices.
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